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Agent Nateur Holi(Stick) No.3 DeodorantHoli(Rose) No4 Deodorant; Holi(Stick) Sensitive Deodorant; Holi Man No. 5 Natural Deodorant

Guys, I’ve found it! After years of searching I believe I’ve found one of the best options for a natural deodorant. I’ve been using Agent Nateur for months now and I’m not going back – no smelling and I can feel my body is making strides in regulating itself. If you don’t know WHY you should switch to natural deodorants…please…I beg you…keep reading -->

We all have everyday, product necessities in life- it’s safe to say deodorant falls in this category for most of us. With that said, it increases the importance of understanding the risks involved with what the product contains. Especially considering where it’s applied (near breasts, over countless lymph nodes etc)

One thing that has been at the top of my list to monitor during my healing is the simple act of sweating. I never sweat that much. I used to think that was a good thing – #blessed! Turns out it’s the opposite, because sweating is a major detox pathway for your body on top of helping regulate temperature. 

Regular deodorant clogs pores so you don’t sweat. Of course, this means there is a buildup of sweat and bacteria/toxins under the skin, which is BAD. Also, let’s think about where you apply deodorant, near your breasts and over many lymph nodes – a pretty important area when thinking about possible effects and ailments. Most importantly there have been connections of chemicals found in deodorants to cause estrogen-like hormonal effects. The common aluminum compounds involved have been linked to Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s and some even to infertility-causing toxic chemicals.

SO why are people hesitant to switch to natural deodorant? First, in my opinion, is the fear of smelling and severe sweating. The truth is, yes it will take some time for your body to regulate and release the built up toxins, but once it does it will eventually normalize and then you might even start sweating less than before. Other than for those points, I can’t really find any substantial excuse to not make the change. 

I have to say though; I haven’t fully converted my husband. I’ve tried, but sometimes he draws the line ha. Maybe my next effort will start this Winter :)

Agent Nateur has 4 great scents – if you for some reason you react to baking soda – they have a sensitive skin option. Linked above!

A bit about the brand: Agent Nateur is a privately owned, results-driven natural beauty company committed to sourcing the most effective, pure, non-GMO, non-toxic ingredients from Europe and small suppliers in the United States.

PowdersLiz Wolcott