My Hacks for a Cold // Virus

Having this virus the past almost 3 weeks has really got me thinking. In pregnancy there are a lot of limitations on what I can take, so when I got sick I was pining for all the things I would’ve taken if I have no restrictions!

SO I want to share with you what has worked wonders for me in the past – of course, always consult your doctor before taking….here goes:

—> What I take in immune compromising environments:

Let's talk exposure to unsanitary conditions, especially with planes- which I feel like it is the worse environment for me and my immune system:

There are no FDA guidelines around the cleanliness of planes. Therefore, the seats, tray tables, even water containers are typically never/rarely cleaned. The bacteria, fungus and other nasty things that have been found in and on all of these items are extensive - not to mention the re-circulated air. So, here is how I prep for flights & other precarious environments:

1) Host Defense - Immune Support - this is a mix of 17 different mushrooms - mushrooms provide abundant healthy benefits. This mix balances and optimizes the immune system. I typically take 10-15 drops pre-flight.

2) Wellness Formula - "contains a powerful combination of herbs, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals formulated to boost your well-being." This is something I also try to take before a flight. Both of these are also great if you're getting over a virus or maintaining staying healthy! 

3) Face Mask - ok this feels weird. But I usually do not, not pack one in my carry-on. With the re-circulated air + the aforementioned lack of cleanliness, you are being exposed to so many passenger’s germs. I'm confident that when I have used them, they have saved me! I also just usually wear them when I'm in my seat to keep it discreet/if you feel awkward. 

—> What I take at the onset of symptoms:

1)  Fire Cider – this stuff is an elixir from heaven! I first read about it from an Australian blogger that would make it herself ( it takes weeks) since she didn’t have access to the premade option here in the US.  

Take this stuff the minute you feel a  scratchy throat, congested etc. There hasn’t been a time (that I remember) when it doesn’t abolish these lousy symptoms, basically immediately.  It’s strong, I like the taste actually, but I would take with food – it bothers me if I take it on an empty stomach. 

2)  Zinc – I learned this trick from a school teacher friend of mine – and  they know how to deal with germs/colds. Not only can this help you fight off colds if you load up early, it can also decrease the duration by 33%, studies have found. 

3) Vitamin C - need I say more? Your body will take what it needs and dispose of the rest. Though f you start to have loose stools, might be time to let up on the dose.

—> What I take during a cold:

1) Sinus Rinse - if you are congested, don't let all that toxic gunk sit in your sinuses and drain into your throat (sounds gross's true!). Sometimes I use this 3 X day. Be sure to use distilled water!

2) Fluids/Electrolytes - your body requires a certain amount to water to function normally and to detox // keep things moving! I suggest water with good trace minerals/electrolytes. No Gatorade! You're better than that :) 

3) Sweating - this goes hand in hand with detox. Of course you need to consider if you have a fever, but going to an infrared sauna to help your body rid yourself of these toxins lifts a big burden on your body for you to heal.

4) Sleep - this is when your body is healing. It's SO difficult for me to take naps, but sleeping will help expedite your recovery. Sleeping gives your body time to solely focusing on recovering to help restore health. 

5) Magnesium / Vitamin D - these are the two largest deficiencies in individuals. It's something we should be supplementing anyway (dependent on blood tests of course!) but also especially important when sick. 

6) IV's - getting vitamins, minerals, and detoxing agents straight to the blood stream is amazing! I realize not everyone has access to this - but this is a great thing to do if you do in fact have a resource. I recently did a Myers cocktail + glutathione (a strong antioxidant your body naturally produces and has brought me great benefit over the years.)

  • I did not take all of these when pregnant, so pregnant or not - please consult your doctor first!
