All Green Everything... A Few of My Everyday Favorites



Matcha & Chlorella (in no specific order)



Matcha is an amazing alternative to coffee because you don’t experience the same crappy crash. Created by Japanese monks it is finely ground green tea leaves. Unlike other teas where you only steep the leaves- you are ingesting the whole tea leaf with this form which increases:

·      Antioxidants

·      Vitamin C

·      L-theanine & other nutrient absorption



I like my MATCHA cold! So the brand I use is House of Matcha Cold Brew + unsweetened almond or macadamia milk! Use a cocktail shaker to mix <& pretend it’s a cocktail>

1 teaspoon matcha

Nut Milk (Almond & Macedemia is my pref) 

The other option is having is hot, which involves pouring hot water over the match while whisking with a bamboo whisker – so authentic!



Chlorella is a green pigment found in algae and plants. It has an insane amount of benefits!


·      Stimulates immune system

·      Balances your PH - the benefit I find most beneficial

·      Cancer prevention (binds potential carcinogens & prevents absorption)

·      Expedites healing

·      Antimicrobial properties

·      Balances hormones

·      Detoxifies your blood

·      Improves digestion

·      Energizes body

·      Strengthens bones

·      Treats anemia

·      Combats bad breathe!


I use Chlorella everyday – I take 5 pills 3x day – you can also take 15 pills together with a meal everyday

There is also the powder form, which for me is easier to absorb, but not as easy to take as a pill.

Enjoy! xev

PowdersLiz Wolcott